Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The gala event was awesome all the New York night life was their. I met some really interesting people at the bar. Its really interesting how people talked to you with a pass with your picture on it. I got to talking with people and they asked what I was doing their and I explained to them that I wanted to get into the film business. They asked that what do you want to do, I explained alot to them and made several contacts . Then I showed them the footage and explained the fair use case and they said their is alot of Filmmakers good and bad like any other type of career.
I will be sending samples to several New York based movie companies who are intrested in doing a film on John Keehan. This Japanese filmmaker was really intrested Shunji Iwai he was on the juries on the Sundance Film Festival , dam the guy could drink warm Saki. We talked martial arts and the Japanese culture. Good things coming for the Black Dragon Fighting Society.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I'm at the 40 second mark kicking the board out of the air, what do you guys have nothing
Black Dragon Fighting Society - Watch more free videos
You all have something to say about me, but none of you guys ever met me. You don't know what I look like, who I've trained with or anything else. Its 6 of you bad mouthing me , their a whole lot of people supporting me and Billy. Your nothing Barron nothing, all you do is sit behind a keyboard, I never seen you in the ring how about posting one of your fight on you-tube, pussy.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
This is Reuben Clymers Medical degree from Chicago. He was the head of the A.M.O.R.C in America and a close personal friend of Keehans father. See Keehan was well versed in the secret societies by his father way before he was even an adult.Floyd Webb needs to do more research because it doesn't include his teachings in the arts, see spirtuality and the martial arts go hand in hand. Floyd is missing this part on his faith because it was a big part of his life. Wheather you like it or not. By the way Keehan was a mason .
This is one of Keehan own books a first edition and their are several more A.M.O.R.C. and the occult sciences books . I met with one of the Grand Masters of the O.T.O. in 2007 and this guy knew Keehan very well, this individual is 75 and still kicking in Pa. When asked of Bertrauix he became quite irate and when I told him that Bertrauix was in a movie about Keehan . He said this to me that its like having "Charlie Manson as a poster boy for child care".
In one of Keehans letters he make reference to a lodge in Illinois, I can't find it it doesn't exist anymore their a park were the lodge once stood. I found out later that the lodge was burned down in the 60's by rioters in Chicago.
It doesn't matter if you like me or not the truth is the truth. And Floyd needs to start telling the truth.
We have the truth and we will take what we know as fact, and when Floyd Webb releases the movie we will use our infomation to discredit Floyd's film as bullshit, and we all know what bullshit Keehans friends are telling . They betrayed Keehan and are not telling the truth about the man personally because it will expose them as the asshole betrayers and drug addicts and murders they are.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Apr 23rd, 2008 - 6:06 AM
Re: Creeden proves yet again how much of a low life he is Creeden if you met me in the street you would soil yourself. Keep telling your lies and living out your fantasy of being a great martial artist. Have nt seen nothing from you but talk, coward. Trying your best to yet again tie me in with Ashida Kim. There is nothing there ass wipe. But keep going. There is no ownership or partnership or business arrangement with the man. This is old and tired. If some thing was there it would nt have been thrown out of court. Why dont you post the court filings where I make those statements to the judge.You say the movie is about Ashida Kim. I say he will be lucky to get about 20 to 30 seconds in the documentary. Floyd has interviewed a sh it load of people. But if you actually knew anything about the filmaking world you would know this.You ran your mouth on the net about fighting me until someone called you on it. I was willing to keep quiet about it but you kept going then finally you got exposed and someone mentioned that you did nt show up. Now your running around trying to figure out some way to do your damage control. There is nothing you can do to explain that away. YOU made that grandiose stand on bullshido. Then folded up like a lawn chair.Your a self destructive person you hurt yourself and those around you. You cannot help yourself it is in your nature. You are mad at the world for not giving you your due. But you dont realize you have to work to attain it. When an opportunity presents itself you are unable to take advantage of it. Your fear of not measuring up is to great. You got a lottery mentality you think all you got to do is get lucky and manna will fall from the sky. Your attempts at extortion didn't work. You failed to realize I will go to the ends of the earth and to hell and back to protect what is mine.You did not show you got Browning all fired up to film the match and you chickened out. Now you want a no holds barred match you want to do it in the street you have no intentions of meeting me any where.Face to face mano-e-mano is not your style. Never has been. You are in one word a wanna be. you have never done anything because you lack ability, motivation and drive.You want to steal my books. Guess you dont have the knowledge to do work of your own. So you have to steal some one elses. I got no problems meeting you any where. Your the one who seemingly is unwilling to do it. You did nt show back then and you want show any where now.Your a joke. I mention that I am training a fighter who fights on show time and you post an entry about going and WATCHING a tournament. Geuss that is your speed.DONT SEE YOU DOING ANYTHINGBy the way my phone rang yesterday and I may be working with a stunt company training their stunt people. Guys life is great.They say success is the best revenge.
John Patricio
Apr 23rd, 2008 - 8:00 PM
Re: Creeden proves yet again how much of a low life he is Gotta love how Creeden is now saying that he wanted an alley fight again. I remember very distinctly him saying that before. I remember Barron accepting. Then I remember Creeden changing his mind and saying that he wanted a sanctioned match in a ring so that he wouldn't be able to hurt Barron too badly. So Barron said OK again and that's the fight that Creeden didn't show for. Now he is saying that he wanted the alley fight after all. Well why the hell did he accept a ring match? He is obviously full of crap. It doesn't matter where a match would be held, he won't show anyhow. Everyone here knows it. Creeden, you already lost when you made a match and didn't show. You lost, period!He also says he wanted to fight Asshida with $50,000. Lol, like that fool ever saw 50K at once in his life. Give me a break. He has 50K, yet he can't even afford to send Barron back his $1,000? Refunding that money would result in him getting back his film footage, yet he would rather keep the cash and then complain that Barron still has the footage. Duh! Congrats on your recent good fortune Barron. Once again you are doing good and successful things with your life while the super smart Creeden sits on his butt all day reinventing the English language on the Internet. Yeah, he is going to go far too, lol. Pathetic.
Registered MemberPosts: 1(3/9/06 8:21)Reply
out of print Ashida kim titles
Have alot of out of print stuff from ashida kim I am an affid collector but looking to sell some stuff Alot of what I have is out of print or contents in it have been removed from them now due to legal letigation with count dante and others. all have the original content in which it was printed years ago and all are in good shape. if anyone is interested you can email me at for details on each. have posted some items on ebay.
Registered MemberPosts: 2(3/10/06 6:35)Reply
Count Dante Kata Dante
I also have count dante Books and VIDs on Kata dante In my collection That are no longer available if any one is interested. I am Selling some of my stuff. After collecting for over 30 years I have found that I have several copies of the same stuff. I am looking to sell some of it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I just love the way you think you vindicated by jurisdiction. How about when I challenged you you never replied and I was putting up 50,000 for you and your three buddies. But you were the no show. The only reason I won't fight Barron is this I want "NO HOLDS BARRED" until then. I want a waiver for damages, I won't kill Barron but 2 or 3 months in the hospital is suitable for me.
You guys never expected to meet a guy like me, I don't fuck in care at all what happens. I will tear grapple and snap Barron into pieces. He is in with Berto being a corner man is no big deal, please get something original. But keep it up its all part of the over all picture. Thank for the in-put.
Ashida Kim
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This is from your web-site and dojo press youhave the same books and pictures, everybody knows that your Ashida Kims bitch , wrong jurisdiction, do you want me to post your motion for jurisdiction I think it number seven on justia.
Dojo Press
Patricio knows how stubborn Billy is , he also knows that he was talking to Webb and talking to Billy at the same time and never mentioned it at all.
And to the dummy's out their, the competition flyer's they were handed out at the events in the 60's they were never in magazine circulation. You told me Barron about the 7500, and you paid for 10 seconds of film that you didn't have.
And everybody remembers the You -Tube videos that said " Property of Ashida Kim and Barron Shepperd and the videos are in public domain"
You guys already had the footage , Do you really think I was going to let you fuck me over Nah I don't think so. No signatures no deal.
Barron already had Billys DVD , here's the proof "In the Men in tights Video" Barron Shepperds face is at 1:08 and 27 seconds , the counter counts down. So he had the footage in the DVD set. This proves that you a scum bag liar.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Barron you must make the trip from Gulfport Mississippi to Winter Haven often, considering you told the court you,ve never been their ASSHOLE
James Berto
James Edson Berto
Little Tiger
Pro Record:
5' 6"
Home City:
Winter Haven
Home State:
Home Country:
You can get a shirt with the code like this on it.
The main protocol used on the web is HTTP. See to get DeCSS.
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3. NNTP or e-mail
DeCSS can be posted on Usenet, directly in the message body (see <> or the copy on Deja).
Of course, you can do exactly the same using e-mail, but I didn't set up a system sending DeCSS by e-mail since it would probably have been quickly abused.
It seems that some moron spammed Usenet with the DeCSS source code. As a news administrator, I find this behaviour unacceptable. Usenet isn't a child's playground, there are a few rules one should follow so that it remains a nice place. So whoever did that, you should know it was a rather stupid idea, and doing it anonymously proves that you don't have the guts to fight the battle anyway.
4. hidden as HTML comments via HTTP
HTTP allows a few more ways to send data: if you are reading this page in a web browser, then you probably already downloaded DeCSS, since it is in this page's HTML comments (use your browser's view source function).
5. NNTP or e-mail (attached to the message)
You can also post DeCSS as an attachment, either on Usenet or by E-mail.
6. Gopher
Gopher can be considered the web's ancestor. You can get DeCSS on gopher:// Note: the gopher server is currently stopped because of a
buffer overflow. Thank you for your understanding. -->
7. IRC
On IRC, a DCC send is the common way to quickly transfer files. But DeCSS can also be put in the server's MOTD (message of the day). Try for instance the IRC server
8. CVS
CVS stands for "Concurrent Versions System" and is aimed at managing projects. It handles conflicts, concurrent works on the same file, and a lot of interesting things. Okay, actually if you have used it a bit, you will know it sucks, but we don't have anything else, and hopefully stuff like Subversion will work pretty soon.
So, to retrieve DeCSS with CVS, use the following commands:
cvs -d logincvs -d get decss
Of course, the CVS password is decss.
9. DNS (coolest hack)
DNS is a protocol mainly used to make correspondence between IP addresses and domain names. But one can also put information in it. To retrieve the DeCSS code, try this shell command:
for DVDs in Linux screw the MPAA and ; do dig $ ; done \ perl -ne 's/\.//g; print pack("H224",$1) if(/^x([^z]*)/)' gunzip
It should work with any sh-compatible shell, like bash, zsh, or plain old Posix shell. Users of brainf*cked shells such as csh should really consider using a proper shell.
This is my favourite hack. There used to be another version wandering on the Web; please don't use it, it used AXFR requests, which only work when you have direct connection to the Internet. This one is really better, because it also stays in every nameserver's cache for 31536000 seconds. That is, one year :)
Floyd Webb
Apr 20th, 2008 - 6:06 PM
Re: Creeden proves yet again how much of a low life he is Creeden is aware that his 15 minutes are up. No one really cares what he says. He is desperate and is grasping at old lies that remain lies. He will never man up and give anyone any kind of satisfaction so we should all just continue to not react to anything he says. Easy for me to say definitely. But it has got to be quite sobering to realize if he EVER turns up to any martial arts events he may not receive the kind of reception befitting his megalomania cal attitude. I have been told he has not been to a martial arts event in over 25 years anyway. It is all bluster and bluff. Ignore the guy, please.
This is how I fucked Floyd big time, their a guy named Sgt Borge a really good friend of mine. He s Army Ranger who was in Somalia and was a advisor to the movie Black Hawk Down. He knows and advised this documentary filmmaker Mark Bowden who did the book Black Hawk Down and the movie. When we spoke he said that all the documentaries that he has done he has never used Fair Use. He states that bad blood in a documentary leaves crucial information out of the picture. He states that anyone who uses "Fair Use" shouldn't be in the business. Doing a documentary is about telling the truth. He also sent me a autographed copy of his documentary " Killing Pablo"
Heres Pablo 10 minutes after his death , hes the guy laying down
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Floyd Webb
Apr 19th, 2008 - 12:23 PM
Re: Fall River = tired fantasy What did you do with the $7500 I already gave you? Are there even more valuable photo copies.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
From my vast archives I've come up with this document which he claims Aikido, Karate, and Jujitsu . Ok I bite. See I know its all about self promotion. Black belt rank was so hard to come by if you were not oriental.In the 50's and 60' it was on the endangered species list in a way.
From the time I was training as a young child a Judo guy never trained with a Kung Fu guy that was Taboo. I look at this document and see he was called a Shi Han in Ju-te.
Shihan is conferred on a martial artist who has been promoted by a particular Ryu with a teaching certification . This could be compared to a deacon or an elder in a church, or someone who is held in high esteem due to his knowledge or financial support of the ryu. This title is indicative of a station and totally indigenous to the Ryu. It is a honorary title sometime s translated to mean "Master Teacher" which would be a very loose translation but somewhat correct. It is usually given to someone within the Ryu for his total support of the Ryu; it does not necessarily mean he is the Master of the Art{ Note: In Today's Japan, to recieve this title you must have the rank of Godan and above in that particular Ryu.
So basically this states that he was self promoted from with in the group, see had a black belt in Aikido, Karate and Ju jitsu and then he got his Roku- Dan 6th degree in Chuan Fa , Shaolin Boxing, Jute And Kempo from Dante/Keehan. It was a self promotion come one boys Ken Knudson and 6 schoold and Dwyer had his schools and Edgell had his and so on. Its the good old boy system of the martial arts.
Once again we show the proof and it tells everybody that the Chicago martial arts scene at that time was financed by Keehan, and when Konsevic got killed that they all turned their back on Keehan. They were all promoted by him and now their trying to cash in on someone they stabbed in the back at the time of John Keehans greatest need. Shihan in five years Lucy you got some splanning to do.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Its Radford Davis hands down. Its been proven in court.
Monday, April 14, 2008
He has a arrest sheet a mile long from petty theft, to know drug user and all around scum bag. Hes a sad individual who throws away a relationship based on money, but a person with his record and intellect Billy should have known. He threw in with Floyd Webb these are the kind of people that Floyd has working for him and doing research. Mr Patricio definitely wouldn't pass a CORI check. In one of his cases it was just short of Leveling him as a sex offender, It just goes to show you what kind of people are involved in Floyd Webbs documentary. This is the gay who made a gay porn of me and Billy
This is a criminal mind and the mind of someone who needs to be locked up. All of his smarts he thinks he has, but let it be known he repeated freshman year of high school 4 times, but he says he was to smart for the teachers. Also a couple of high speed chases threw Providence R.I.
Also posting our faces on a gay porn picture and making this video, It only proves to people that you are demented and GAY for looking at Gay Porn at all.
The John Creeden Story - Watch more free videos
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Will Joey Chicago stand up, oh that right your already standing Floyd.
Floyd works at the Jazz Institue, and he did their site.
410 S. Michigan Ave. #943 Chicago, Illinois 60605
© 2002-2007 Jazz Institute of Chicago
Site by 3to1 Studio
This is Floyds address, notice their in the same building.
3to1 Studios is located at 410 S. Michigan Ave | Suite #430 | Chicago, IL 60605 | 312.281.2288. via; Wed, 18 Oct 2006 22:42:54 -0700 |
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Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
This is the back of the Worlds Deadliest fighting Secrets obviously Floyd lawyers don't read their material, look at the page and all will be revealed.
Mr Peck has known my father for years their both Masons and their are very well respected, You not getting nothing from here, unless Judge Wolf orders. Their were raised on the same block. It is kind of underhanded by the lawyers of Floyd Webb to slander a respectable citizen.
Floyd lawyers surely show that lawyers are lower than whale shit.
Look at the highlighted name boys , I want Floyds lawyers to see this, they need to do their homework when making accusation that they have no idea of what their accusing Billy of. No matter what you say the paperwork is their. So if Billy's counter claim is plagiarized it must perfect then and Floyd doesn't want to go to trial.
The Black Dragon Fighting Society is deeply rooted in Fall River and the surrounding communities. You have to remember this Billy has a school hear for 42 years including the Mount Hope Judo Club in Tiverton Rhode Island and the other guys who was in the club ended up being A Fire Chief here for 35 years.
I never disrespected the court at all and to say that is slanderous and will be used against all of you , see you just made it public record and was sworn under oath.
Its has been a fun ride in his declaration by David Kluft it states that the footage was my fathers, so Barron who a bad deal with me and Floyd took said footage from Barron, isn't that receiving stolen property.
Now people are going to have to prove now that I called someone 81 years old mother and own up to said footage, I will guarantee you this " Fair Use" isn't going to be Floyds defense at all. And the footage will be part of the complaint. You shouldn't have lied Floyd
See it what you say and Its what I say, Now lets go to court to prove it, but I'm going to go to your Jurisdiction , so were going to take that right off of the table. I know what the airfare to Chicago via Boston is , you seem to think that I've never been to Chicago wrong again.
I didn't agree with the way Billy wanted to handle this. Billy is extremely pig headed John Patricio can attest to that, and he wanted to do the court thing, so be it. Like I said it is his deal not mine . Me and Billy are on different paths with the way its dealt. I want to stock pile shit and grab the profits from the film. But Billy owns it.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Only 10 of you want the film to be done and thats it.
John "The King of Gay Porn" Patricio
Floyd Webb from the more tea sir tribe
Darrell Simon Mr steal my stuff but its ok nobody ever read them anyway.
Kung Fu pimp such beautiful zines, to bad none of them are yours.
Mike Scremph Uh I work in a nuclear power plant, sweeping floors is profitable
Radford Davis the fake martial arts master with no diplomas and no lineage, Ya he'll be good for the movie.
Barron the redneck drug dealer Shepperd I don't know Ashida kim and but he's my family. But I know his wife would love me more than him.
Ron Collins Ashida Kims sodomite and all around Blow Job.
Ok theirs only 8 of you enough for a Floyd circle jerk.
You can't touch me at all Jerk Offs, I'm not a Plaintiff no one can level sanctions against me. Wait Floyd will never get funding I guarantee it Chump, Queer , sodomite , jack off . All I do is right a blog.
Wait until you see the blog I'm righting about Radford and Floyd your gonna love it . Well its about Ashida and Webb love its funny as hell. I'm making a gay porn about them .