Do you really think we were gonna make it easy for you , all is going to plan. But Billy surprised me he showed moxie. What are you gonna say NOW bitches it seems the court case could go to 2010 at this rate and with Barron Shepperd and Radford Davis coming back into this jurisdiction and pleaded properly they don't have a chance in hell. I warned him everything I say come true. He should have just played fair. Fuck you all Patricio, Barron , Radford, DSimon ,Mscremph,Rivington, Art Vandelay,Stoffel,Felkoff,Dorado,Edgell,Dwyer.
You guys just don't know who your fuckin with . All this is right on schedule. You may think I type wrong I really don't by the way. You've all been duped , first thing in warfare is deception.
Like I said you can't calculate what you can't see. Who knows Billy might sue me now. LOL
Don't be mad guys it all apart of this charade, Also Floyd you can change counsel at anytime, I hope your lawyers informed you of that. DICKHEAD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You know I've held Barrons money for along time , but I think I'm gonna go spend it NOW.
OH I bet this hurts Floyd , maybe I'll give him a call to soothe him . And your best friend was their today Floyd. See you soon Barron and Radford.
Don't hate the player hate the game.