You guys have got to kidding me , ya I sit on my ass everyday and do nothing. That's what your hoping for but sorry. What Billys got no school , and that means he stops training right . Wow Patricio you were around alot of some really bad shit all the time. You left Patricio in 02 so alot can happen in 6 yeras that you don't know about. You had your hands into something or were your hands super squeaky clean , which I doubt. And you don tknow Les that goes to so me that you were way out of the circle .
Its seems that Russel Simon said we smoke pot and were fat. This come from a guy who sit on his ass everyday and writes. Come on I've read some Seagel article that he wrote and I was not impressed at all.
Look the schools coming back Billy has already applied for the SBA loans , so the school will be their . I hope you fuck asses take it well when your father dies. I mean the guy died in 05 have some fuckin honor , but you scum bags won't , your like vultures preying on a dead body. But you never expected to run into a guy like me you little pissant little fucks , who never had the balls to get on the mat let alone the street were it counts.
Floyds movie will be shit Gerald Warren the head of the Green Dragon Society and my self have had long conversations about this and how Floyd Webb has not even a glimpse nor a clue to what really went down that night.
The problem is that Billy didnt play along with the boys he didnt kiss Floyd Webbs ass. Theirs a point when you have to say fuck off already and I think thats why Billys sued. Patricio will tell you all how hard headed Billy is. I wanted to fuck Floyd from behind the scenes money he would never see at all, But NNNNNNOOOOOOOO he had to go to federal court. And I exposed you all its kinda funny Barron paid 1000 for 10 seconds of wrestler footage, they had the footage for a year and a half before I got involved.
The only thing I know is this "Success Is The Sweetest Revenge". Also none of you people know me have never met me . So your assumptions of me are all wrong once again. You have to remember I was 73 to 89 way before Billy was even 12 or 13 at the time. I'm a hell of alot older than Billy and wiser to , but he owns it and its his decision . You guys are all hater and Floyd ass kissers and your all in league with Ashida Kim , LOL it kind of fit your all fakes and losers. lol