Thursday, June 19, 2008

To the Judges and the Lawyers Part II

From John Patricio

Of course he said absolutely ridiculous things. For example he blames Barron and I for starting trouble, yet his blog is full of things like that fake sex offender ID he created with my photo, never mind all the other false defaming lies. He even lies and says he didn't call anyones mother, yet we already know he admitted to having the "Dixie Boys" do it for him. I guess he doesn't realize that is the same thing.

Creeden, if your partner is robbing a bank and kills someone and your only involvement is that you were in the car as the get-away driver... you will still be charged with murder the same as the guy who pulled the trigger. Do you not understand that? Just because you didn't make the call yourself doesn't mean you are not guilty.

I think something may have happened to make him realize that the lawyers and judge was looking at the blog and the other forums. It sounds like he is desperately trying to clear his name in all this. Unfortunately, he has said way to much (especially here) and the judge is going to see right through his crap.

Some people just don't get it. the judge also see other things like this and Hooker killing, drug arrests, arrest records which for some of us are quite long. And opening a fraudulent blog and giving some elses property. People need to listen to others.

I've seen the error of my ways, but some people just don't learn that it works both ways. Am I listening yes I am. Some people think that their not in hot water their wrong.

Oh yes the Dixie Boys, a confederate outfit in Mississippi. They don't exzist.Well in 1861 they did. They were are rebel band of confederates. Why don't Barron go to the cops or show the phone records. Because their weren't any!!!!!!!!!! lol

The John Creeden Story - Watch more free videos

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


People seem to think that me and Billy are in some type of conspiracy. This is not the case at all. I don't agree with all the stuff thats going on . I'm the only one who is taking the heat. People threatening and talking smack especially from Patricio and Shepperd their the ones who have been the biggest trouble makers. One Billys best friend for 20 years and Shepperd who is related to Radford Davis and own his property , it all goes to show that both sides that if everyone stayed out of this. Then a deal between Billy and Floyd in 05 would have happened. But Patricio and Shepperd were poisoning Floyd Webb way before I was involved. I wasn't involved until 2007. And the footage that was supposely shot off a TV screen was not shot off a TV screen. It was 1st generation it was changed to Black and White for the DVD in 2001. Billy knew that when he put it out. It would be stolen and this whole situation proves it.

What I would really like is my name taken off Floyd Webb's blog .
1.This guy Timmy Cabral called Floyd a "coon" I got blamed for that. Guys I have a black uncle thats why I pulled the plug on Bullshido. And 75% of my friends are black.
2. John Patricio said on line that Billy killed hookers I got blamed for that
3. Calling Barron Shepperd mother in the middle of the night, I defintely didn't do that. I definteely want that cleared up in court. I want the phone records, facts
4. And now this Matt and UKI thing not me at all, really I can't be bothered with this circus.
They'll all say it is me, but who cares. I know what I've done and this stuff isn't me

I always wanted to work with Floyd Webb and I still do. I was the one who sought him out against Billys advice. See Billy never told me about e-mails from Shepperd stating that he bought Ashida Kim's stuff for 1000 dollars. I didn't know what this was all about. I didn't even see Billy until 2007 the last time I saw Billy was 1988. Their was alot of things going on in the school that my father didn't agree with so he left.

It goes to show that Radford Davis and Shepperd were out to screw Billy over and who ever was in their way to defraud the BDFS . I have several recorded phone calls pertaining to Shepperd and how he wanted to place my father as the head of the International BDFS that Felkoff runs now. My father smelled a rat especially when Shepperd said he never knew who Ashida kim was.

Now this is what pissed me off the slander started first with Floyd Webb's post

The Purchased FootageJohn Creeden, Jr, a direct student of Count Dante was offered $1000.00 for footage he shot of Count Dante and he accepted that offer and was paid. The investor paid $500.00 upfont for the footage site unseen. Meanwhile, his son, John Creeden, III talked to the investor and did what he could to try to change the initial deal by adding some printed materials. The investor was disappointed in the footage because it was clearly shot from a TV screen with a video camera. Due to John Creeden III's unprofessional behavior he made a decision not to go into business with him.

Late Night Calls to 81 year old mothers?Part of the investors decision was triggered by someone making a call to the investors 81 year old mother in the middle of the night telling "your son is dead." We do not know who made the call, we levelled no accusations. But it came after a heated argument between the investor and John Creeden III who told him how long his arms could reach and his associations with the Irish Mafia in Florida. This was deleted from my blog a few days ago. But I am putting it back after seeing John Creeden III announced online I gave someone $7500.00 for images I got off of He says he is going for a job in law enforcement. Go figure.

I want them to go to the authorities so we can clear this up once and for all. What I want is the phone records from Shepperd's mother phone. And then my name would be cleared and the harassment from them on-line would stop. On June 8 2007 I had a phone call from Webb stating that he said its wasn't me who called someones mother. I told Webb that no one else knows about this transaction. So he deleted a post and then I mentioned on count that Floyd gave Patricio 7500 dollars for paperwork that Patricio had for a book with Billy. This is what Shepperd told me to probably entice me into a deal. And all hell broke loose, but then patricio had their e-mails and then opened the were he gave Floyd Webb exclusive Flyers that no one had. Floyd states that he got it from the wayback machine. No way it is a lie.

So if Floyd can say on the 1bdfs board that Aguiar is busted. And Patricio stated that he was killing hookers, that actually involved a Rhode Island State Trooper. And Barron Shepperd stating that someone calls his so called mother{ we still don't know if the women is still alive} then we have the right to fight fire with fire so to speak.

I have started another blog were my father will tell his story about John. Considering that he ran the WKF and the BDFS for almost 19 years and was Johns personal friend. And all their legal issues back then. My father put the mail order business together with John Keehan.

Also the Bertrauix post is really the truth. The lawyers need to check these links.

I want the Judge and the Lawyers to make their own decisions. I've known about Bertrauix and Lully way before any of you ever heard of them. I'm not the only one who is on Billys side of things their are alot of people hear watching in the shadows so to speak. And some of them are coming out of the wood work now and then to disrupt the proceedings. Federal court is no joke guys.

Billy is on his own when it pertains to this whole mess. Isn't it funny that Billy hasn't said nothing or has he.
Floyd I would like to apologize for any hurt or mistrust you may have felt towards me. I really sorry for some of the thing and how they work out. Like I said call my father or a lawyer can. You would be intrested in the way things worked out. I'm done with Billy I got a cease and desist order from him to separate himself from me. I have changed the passwords to this blog so it will not happen again.
None of this would have ever happened if you didn't introduce me to Barron Shepperd and you didn't tell me that he bought Ashida Kims intelluctual property and copyright. And their a story of a e-mail coming out of Billys from me that didn't happen.
I will put information on the blog I'm running here


People seem to think that I'm the only one writing this blog. A couple of weeks ago I recieved a cease and desist from Billy. I could careless about all of this. But people slander people and expect nothing to happen to them and its consequences such as.

The Purchased FootageJohn Creeden, Jr, a direct student of Count Dante was offered $1000.00 for footage he shot of Count Dante and he accepted that offer and was paid. The investor paid $500.00 upfont for the footage site unseen. Meanwhile, his son, John Creeden, III talked to the investor and did what he could to try to change the initial deal by adding some printed materials. The investor was disappointed in the footage because it was clearly shot from a TV screen with a video camera. Due to John Creeden III's unprofessional behavior he made a decision not to go into business with him.

Late Night Calls to 81 year old mothers?Part of the investors decision was triggered by someone making a call to the investors 81 year old mother in the middle of the night telling "your son is dead." We do not know who made the call, we levelled no accusations. But it came after a heated argument between the investor and John Creeden III who told him how long his arms could reach and his associations with the Irish Mafia in Florida. This was deleted from my blog a few days ago. But I am putting it back after seeing John Creeden III announced online I gave someone $7500.00 for images I got off of He says he is going for a job in law enforcement. Go figure.

So Floyd Webb slandered me way before people started this blog, but nobody is holding Floyd Webb accountable for his slander with out proof.

Nobody is holding Mike Felkoff accountable for the death threats that Billy got from him during several phone calls in 07.

Nor John Patricios gay porno.And him calling a Rhode Island State Trooper, threatening a child. What made him do that is beyond me.

I decided to start another blog controlled by me and me alone , were I'm gonna put all the information from my father and the mail -order business and the secret and situations involving Keehan and Chicago during the formulation of the WKF and the BDFS. The only thing I know that I'm protected by the Consitution of the United States, and freedom of speech.

Floyds lawyers if I know lawyers are probably up in arms over these posts.


I re-opened the blog because so many people were sending me messages or invites, it became a pain in the ass. I'm gonna address people separetely.

1. Floyd Webb, hey Floyd you know what went on . When Billy sent the DCMA takedown you called my father twice that day. And then I called you at home to tell you that I had nothing to do with it. But you seemed not to believe me at all. See I don't care what happens at all. I don't really care what happens with court. I really laugh at all of this John Keehan would be proud. Lawyers are like Mushrooms feed them shit and keep them in the dark.

Also your motion 114 it states you bought the footage, how the hell did that happen. Barron Shepperd in motion 8 states that he bought footage. So their is a little screw up on your part. No signatures no sale sorry.

2. Darrel Simon, The Jawney thing is funny, but the tree house thing considering were you live 6 million people in your state but only 4 last names.

3. John Patricio, John why the hell would I make up you got paid, why would I do that, how the hell would I know. Barron Shepperd told me that you were betraying Billy how would I know that Patricio. The only thing I know is this Barron was telling the truth. Maybe not the the 7500 but you got something and you came at Billy hard. Like I knew about hooker killing's and the drugs you were busted with. And how would I know about your involvement. So you think I'm clairvoinant

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Well in the mist of all the shit on Bullshido were people thnk I'm someone else, a lot of people wanted me to go against William III and re-open the Blog.

FRIDAY the 13th - COUNT DANTE REVEALEDMeet the Filmmaker live and direct from Federal Court in BostonFRIDAY, June 13, 7:00 pm | THE OCCULT BOOKSTORE | 1164 N Milwaukee AveFrom the late 1960’s to the early 1970’s John Keehan aka “Count Dante”was themost famous and controversial figure in the martial arts and was deeplyinvolved with “the invisible sciences” and was student of Micheael Bertiaux.Come to a PREVIEW SCREENING of the film, The Search for Count DANTE,at The Occult Bookstore, Chicago, 1164 N Milwaukee Ave, 7:00 pmFeaturing a demonstration of Count Dante's Techniques by Master Chris Pieschala