Friday, February 29, 2008
I've gone over every one's poison hand techniques and thought were are the entrances. See their are 7 , but I've never seen anybody doing them. Look poison hand is great if you can get their to do them.
Can I call my self a poison hand expert, ya I can .I have been in several streets situations. And I don't care who you are you are not going to use 4 poison hand techniques against someone . People just can't take it, an ocular eye slap is enough to dis able someone.
Joe Dorado looks good in red satin and his inside elbow's. But what takes you their in poison hand is off the charging T.
Will someone have the knowledge to do this from Chicago , probably Dwyer could that all. Poison hand was developed to fight in a phone booth " Dante's own word's". Your legs just get you their, but their are entrances with your legs that will work. Only to enhance the hand position's. And that's why the T was so formidable because when your in a bar full of people your not using circular movement's . Its a jam and some one's going down. It works straight on that's all , all fighting forms have severe limitations to them.
In Bill Aguiars you learned Oyama Style karate . You learned to kick and punch first. You were never introduced to poison hand until your Kyu grades. Think about this Billy Sr only promoted 20 black belt's in 35 years . That's no Mcdojo boy's. So few people really learned it as hard as my and Billy III. The training was severely hard and the punishment training was beyond comprehension . But our fighting skill is flawless. I never learned the game like mma I was taught to street fight. I never learned Sai, or Tonfa. I learned the bar glass and the baseball bat the car antenna weapons of opportunity. I only know Jujitsu I never learned Judo. Everything I learned was to completely crush my opponent and win . Its Kill or Be Killed on the street, that's the hard facts and poison hand has saved me. And yes I've got my ass kicked several times, before people embellish on that.
So show me some entrances or shut the fuck up. About knowing "Poison Hand"
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The people in the picture on the left is Andy Wilson and the right William V Aguiar Jr. from the 1966 in Chicago in Keehan's school. I had to fuckin fight with Billy to release it , with all the bad feelings between me and him . He relented the picture for proof to everyone that his father was their at that time in Chicago. The picture was shot by John F Creeden Jr after a heavy sparring session which Andy Wilson hit William Jr with a knife hand strike above the right eye and that why the patch over his eye.
They had to test that day for acceptance into the World Karate Federation. And then they partied at a friend of Barbara Kemp. And from what I'm told she was walking around this girls house wearing a sheer threw micro mini skirt and licking a lollipop. Those must of been fun times!!!!!!
But this was the time they were their to training . They lived in the dojo and trained 3 times a day and then partied all night they never stopped. Billy Jr has over 600 pictures from this era. Some would ruin people if they ended up respectable citizen's in Illinois. Well we all know that Barbra Kemp stayed the same way for a long time . Its also said that in a trial she was on the stand and she was sitting like a guy wearing no underwear .
Billy needs to go after Radford Davis I think he is the one infringing. But he wants Floyd's ass on the phone Billy was telling me that he used legal theft like eminent domain, or something like that and he wants to continue. I said arbitration to settle it. He states that if Floyd has Fair Use hands down then why didn't he just throw it out the Judge. It wasn't properly pleaded the info wasn't right and he state that he will bring them to court. What can I say it his ball .
When Billy spoke to Felkoff. Felkoff tried to say that they never went to Chicago and how would know. For someone who was never in the BDFS and only hold a Sho-dan in the WKF he knows alot "NOT". We checked Keehan rolls some months back from 1964 to 1969 and Felkoff never showed up on the rolls. And we checked the student rolls and they never showed his name not once. I'm not attacking Felkoff in anyway but the proof is proof.
All I want is the truth to be told, mind this alot of people have kid's and it was the 60' alot should stay in the 60' in a way. But a warped story being told would only twist a twisted story once again . Floyd once said that I adhere to the Darkside of Keehan, not so I stand to defend keehan and his willingness to put it all on the line and at anytime. He's a guy you would want going threw a door with you.
Saturday, February 23, 2008

The United States Department of Defense Joint Chiefs of Staff saw the project's ultimate objective to be to provide adequate justification for a US military intervention in Cuba. They requested that the Secretary of Defense assign them responsibility for the project, but the Attorney General Robert Kennedy retained effective control.
Over thirty different plans were considered under the Cuban Project, some of which were carried out. The plans varied in their efficacy and intention, from propagandistic purposes to effective disruption of the Cuban government and economy. These included the use of American Green Berets, destruction of Cuban sugar crops, and mining of harbors.
Operation Northwoods was a 1962 plan, which was signed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and presented to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara for approval, that intended to use false flag operations in order to justify intervention in Cuba. Among other things considered were real and simulated attacks which would be blamed on the Cuban government. These would have involved attacking, or reporting fake attacks on Cuban exiles, US military targets, Cuban civilian aircraft, and development of a terror campaign on US soil. [2]
The Cuban Project played a significant role in the events leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The Cuban Project's six-phase schedule was presented by counter-insurgency specialist Air Force General Edward Lansdale on February 20, 1962; it was overseen by Attorney-General Robert Kennedy, and President John F. Kennedy was briefed on the operation guidelines on March 16, 1962. Lansdale outlined the coordinated program of political, psychological, military, sabotage, and intelligence operations as well as assassination attempts on key political leaders. Each passing month since his presentation, a different method was in place to destabilize the communist regime, including the publishing of views against Castro, armaments for militant opposition groups, the establishment of guerilla bases throughout the country and preparations for an October military intervention in Cuba. Many individual plans were reportedly devised by the CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro. Plans to discredit President Castro in the eyes of the Cuban public included contaminating his clothing with thallium salts that would make his trademark beard fall out and spraying a broadcasting studio with hallucinogens before a televised speech. Assassination plots included poisoning a box of Castro's favorite cigars with botulinus toxin and placing explosive seashells in his favorite diving spots
From Wiki
This is all I could find on him.

This is from my father on Keehan military records. Keehan was in the Marines never in the Army. He was thrown out of the Marines for minor marijuana possession.
Keehan never fought for Castro he fought against him he fought for Battista. A Mobster named Johnny Rosselli and Sam Giancana took Keehan in 1958 to Cuba to party and set up business in Cuba for Rosselli and Giancana . After the cultural revolution the mobsters were out and Castro was in kicking everybody out . After all he was a communist and Battista was not , Battista played ball with the mobster's and the U.S government. Watch Godfather two and you see some of it. Hyman Roth is Johnny Rosselli wake up people this is the Chicago outfit. These are the things that my father knows.
Also their was no operation Water Buffalo, It's Operation Mongoose that Dante did logistical support to kill Castro , because Keehan was their. This operation was a precursor to the failed Bay of Pig's invasion. Also look up Operation Northwood's operation Keehan had a hand in that one, threw a guy named Robert Maheu this guy was CIA from what my father tells me. He recruited Sam Trafficante from Miami to help in the ways to kill Castro because the investments that they lost some 130 million when Battista fell.
Also for some thought my father said that Sam Giancana was shot dead in his Oak park home 5 month after Keehan suspected death. Giancan was suppose to testify before a committe on intellegence. Roselli testified and a few days later Giancana was dead.
Also my father respects the people who have families involved. Konsevics being one of them. My father has tears in his eyes when he speaks of Konsevic such a tragic loss.
That's how my father tells the story. My father state that all the info can be found in the Family Jewels documents. That were declassified a couple of years ago.
Friday, February 22, 2008
He states this quote " Floyds lawyers are trying the same thing we've been telling everyone about Barron Shepperd, No signature's no rights ".
At this point and time in his life he just laughs at this and say's "John would loves this shit" he lived for it.
But my father has some reservations about the story its not being told the right way. My father wants to know were these people are.
1. Andy Wilson a 6'5 350 lbs black man who use to drive a bus for the city of Chicago. He was a friend of Russel Brown. In 1966 when they were their for the first time . In sparring Wilson gave William Jr. a knife hand strike on top of the left eye of Aguiar Jr.
He was their when they lived in the dojo. For three months they were their. Billy III has the picture to prove it.
2. James Cheetham when my father knew him he was in the "Brothers for a Democratic Society" that was before the Black Panthers. My father tells a story of them going out with 50 black guys and four white. Leaving Tiara Apartments where Dante lived getting into Dante Cadillac convertible . And tearing the town up. My father talks about a guy named Hubert Brown
and Huey P Newton and Stockley Carmichael who were patying with Keehan and My father and Billy Jr. Who went to a underground club and partied to the wee hours of the morning.
3. Thomas Sexton 7 th Dan under the WKF he was also instrumental to the growth of the WKF at the time. And knew Keehan closely.
4. Edward Miller another 7th or 8th dan in the WKF he was also instrumental in the growth of the organization. And also knew Keehan closely.
Look at it this way when Dante was blackballed the only one who did not turn his back was Russel Brown. He was a cop at the time but did not distance himself from Dante , he knew what was going on. My father also states that people are not telling the truth , they have reputations to protect.
People need to start telling the truth. He states this.
1. Felkoff is not telling the truth about the Dojo war. If he pulled John in front of a spear and saved him . Then why did the cops find Keehan under a desk.
2. Beatruix and his merry band of men are not telling the truth at all. "Spiritual Advisor" my ass their a dark sexual sub culture in Chicago. he states that everybody from Chicago has a couple of lives they live. It was these guys who ran the porno shops at the time of all of this. His merry men.
As for the film my father states that he doesn't gives a shit what Floyd and Billy says. The ownership of the film is mine. He understands Floyd's relationship with Barron was a financial backer who now owns a small percentage of the film in return for the investment. But he should have been more professional in his way of handling of such a matter.
Billy doesn't own the footage when it all comes out . Their no ownership when my father left he left everything in 1988. His gi to his clothes he walked out never to return. one day he was their and another day it was over.
I hold no ill will toward no one except "Barron Shepperd". I'll have my day with him he a big talker on the net. but I bet face to face he crumble like Radford Davis a true pussy .
My father states this " The story is about Keehan" your all a bunch of puppets on his stage. And thats how he wants it.
As for no ownership of the film my father own it . See Floyd's lawyers know that and so does Floyd. Then your fighting a moot fight in the end, only to open up pandora's box. See me and my father knew this all along. My father to old of a cat to be fucked by kitten's.
Let's be clear so there are no more questions. I have a technical win in that the judge has determined that I have the right to fair use of the materials I have. I will go out on a limb here and risk irritatiing my lawyers and say that includes the footage that Creeden sold Sheppard for 1000 bucks. When the judge asked Aguiar why he did not sue Creeden, the transcript will show that Aguiar threw his hands up and said, "Your honor, that's coming!" He then went on to admit that he was not sure if Creeden Jr. shot the film or not. If I am not mistaken, he submitted no paper work or agreement between his father and Creeden, Jr. As I said the transcripts will show this. All the spin in the world will not change the actual transcript. It will all come to light whenever the transcript becomes available has been warned that if he pursues the case based on what he has, he is likely to lose.Fair Use is FIRMLY established per an open court statement by the judge. If with a lawyer he can come up with new information then so be itThere is a conference set for March 6 to decide what Mr. Aguiar wants to do with his newly acquired lawyer. Anymore questions? Wait until after March 6.
This opens up a new question from which your lawyers and my father knew all along.
Floyd may hate me so be it " you reap what you sew". I don't care one way or another. But tell the truth when you investigate. Its about the truth weather it hurts or not, your not doing it no justice if your telling a tainted story. I'm not attacking you in no way. But when we cross reference your material with ours and Billy III archives. Their are some big discrepancies in their stories. I heard the dojo war from Keehan himself when I was a child making them drinks. And if anyone who knew Dante/Keehan he drank one drink only "Navy Grog".
So in closing I'm gonna tell the truth as I can prove. Which by my proof people need to come clean.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This statement ranks right up there with your analysis of the student teacher relationship...."If you accept your sensei's rank then you do whatever he says" yeah jump from the Brooklyn Bridge,, yes Sensei! Dude you are not the gadfly, nor the devil's advocate you want to be.... trust me on that. The sooner you abandon this persona ( persona non grata for sure) and maybe try to understand the issues in the case, one of which I outlined to the best of my ability in this thread, the better.

Sum What do you think I should do.

Monday, February 18, 2008
Chaos you have no idea what really went on.

I agree with that . But if Floyd wasn't a documentary film maker he would be up shit creek with out a paddle. Ownership is ownership, so I can go into your personal life and alter anything I want.
"Shit" I want the story to be told its about "fuck it about time the story is told , its only solidify my lineage in stone. Simon he could tell the story with out the footage and the book's. I've talked to lawyers at United Artist's and Walt Disney world and they told me that Floyd and Fair Use is wrong, and how he's going about it. Ownership is ownership.
I'm not going to ruin myself for him no more in the face of all of you. I've always wanted the film to be made. The funny thing is that my father want to still work with Floyd so do I, trust me my friends ob Bullshido was just wrong to Floyd and I take responsability for that mess. But you see Billy took no heat at all about nothing I took it all.
Patricio I understand now what went on, Billy gave me all the info on you and your mother . And think how would I know that info.
To Darrel Simon
And for court I would rather try and fail , then never try at all.
So I'm gonna become a doc film maker and when I take his film , I'll claim "Fair Use". Also lawyers are like cop's anything for a win for them, they don't care who they burn. I would love to see Floyd's face when he own's the copyright's to his film and I take it and claim "Fair Use".
Also this so called blog is doing alot of Damage to Floyd and his project . I've done more damage to him with this than the court case. I was working with Floyd bought him dinner at Tort's
then he introduced me to Barron Shepperd and all hell broke loose.

What the fuck is a dojorat sounds like you someone who's in a gym and state he's a black belt in a system that you never trained in . You don't have a fuckin black belt faker. Prove it I called Kadina and they don't teach TAE KWON DO ON THE ROCK BUDDY, NOR IN JAPAN.
Now answer the question or you look like a fool faker. I have all your info, Check the Tae Kwon Do Federation and your name isn't registered. LIAR your probably some wannabe. What do you have to hide. little boys make accusation's to other people and has no proof himself.
LOSER go and hide like the rest of Chicago
I let John Cole read this exchange , and he's say's your a fake.
And it was worth the ten buck's to expose you as the faker you are. har dee har har
Sunday, February 17, 2008
They put their sword hand out and state their Masters and their intention's.
961st Airborne Warning & Control Squadron
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NAVCOMM Det Okinawa .
Saturday, February 16, 2008

When i asked him what an "Ammo Bowl" is he said the baseball game why ? their you go guy's.
John Cole gave me these picture's of these guy's because I was trained by the rather large black fellow on the right who trained John Cole in the 60's only to train me in the 1991 at Bragg. His name was Felix L Bennett, the white guy in the picture was Harold Pittman and the other two is Cole on the left and a Chicago person who recently died.
Here's what really happened

Friday, February 15, 2008

At least I didn't get my friend killed with my bad punctuation. You got your friend killed, by you being who you are

Never expose your hand boy's untils it's time to, and on your term's. Theirs a big change coming today boy's. The transcript's you talk of will be funny to say the least. "Lord of Chaos" and "Rivington " the "gay pimp" seems fitting the name, but to think that this wasn't thought out ahead of time. Guy's you have no idea what Floyd's up against. All will be revealed today????????????? So Suck it were smarter. Thing's are getting serious today.
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


For DSimon

. Like this picture we can't do nothing with this, were not stupid we have had several discussion with Black Belt magazine. But Simon we have sevral articles and magazine's locked down and have been vetted and cleared threw our advisors and Black belt magazine's.
Look all were fighting is the two book's and the footage, thats it. And he can go off and make his movie. See the footage is the only one in exzistance of him doing poison hand. Floyd is a thief and he was stealing it all. So now he gonna pay for it one way or another.
See when Billy's suit is over in 09, We will see if Floyd is as cocky as he is now.
Heres a question for you all. Is it the man or the movie. If Billy can find someone who will do a movie with out Floyd will you be happy? Or is it just Billy you don't like. See what Floyd isn't telling you is that Billy's Attorney called Floyd webb for over 19 month's and never got a call back.
Like I said I have no problem with any of you, just Barron and Floyd. I feel bad for Ashida Kim/Radford Davis living like a fake all his life is sad.
You want it you'll get it, remember this house John this is the house you got busted in and took an adjudication. Why John Patricio is so pissed because he went to the House Of Correction and Billy didn't. They found some questionable plant's in John Patricio's possession and because Billy was paying the bill's in the house. And he had some people their late night. Billy's charge was dismissed way before the pre-trial conference, but Patricio had some pretty big plant's and the stainless steel cuff links went on John and off to the House of Correction he went. Listen to Kenny John your brother and back off. Or its gonna get worst I have your mug shot John and your record which is quite long. And my friend you don't have jurisdiction over me in small claims. You would have to come here.
Oh by the way we saw Aubrey and the video you made and she quite pissed. And she told us some rather weird sexual stories of you John, I didn't know you went that way!!!!!!!
John Patricio
Feb 12th, 2008 - 3:03 PM
Re: 2 days to Court Good luck! Are you going to be able to record this in any form... even if just a transcript? Also, are you planning and/or able to look into the Fall River police records for info on the arrest of a William Aguiar III last month? If you are able to, I would also like you to look up the record (from close to a decade ago) for both Bill and I, so I can put this pot arrest story that Creeden has been twisting around and slandering me with to rest once and for all. A copy of that report will also make great evidence for me in a small claims court IF needed. I don't know how, have the resources or have the time to get a hold of the things you do.If you see a Lt. Wayne Furtado (a Detective) say hello for me. He's the brother of my ex Tracy (gf of 4 yrs).
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

See one thing I've learned on the net, is writing style. So I'll play along ask Floyd he foia'ed my records already. Thats how I know its you because you already have them. So stop playing around. Trying to character assassinate Billy isn't going to work, you know my friend Mattkiley is preparing an harrasement and slander suit. just like when i told you you were going to be sued and that happened. We are going to add all of this to the suit you have 2 more suit coming at you. And for one you had better names like Vlad the Impaler, Joey Chicago, Archango88 but a Korean name that just wrong an inferior breed. read Karate is for SISSIES. I will not engage in debate no more. I'm am who I am and theirs no denying that why is Floyd Webb trying to harrass certain indavisuals , and a guy like that is twisted thats why his wife left him. HAR DE HAR HAR so enjoy . Its gonna be an intresting next couple of months. And another thing how fast you respond is another give away. And those freakin lazer beams are on a something quite different from were I come from my friend. And the 2 second guy in the back on the left is me and my lazer beam. Panama 97
FLOYD you sneaky bastard e-22 digital doesn texzist
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Monday, February 11, 2008


1 In Songtan that one, or the one outside of Camp Hovey. The one in Sontang theirs The Young Chon and the UN.
2. The Curfew { which is the terrorist curfew} terrorist only attack at night bewtween 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Ya learn that the day you get their . DDDUUUUHHHH
3. "THE AMMO BOWL " the softball games come one man you gotta do better than that.
4 A "THE JUICY GIRL" Yes I'm guilty like every other person their.Most of the bars here in Korea have what are called Juicy Girls. In some clubs they just sit with you or play pool with you; in others, they dance very scantily clad, put on various types of shows youll never drink beer the same way again, but all are doing the job for a disgustingly low salary. They are contracted from Russia, Philippines, Malaysia, Nepal, and various places in Korea just to name a few. Some actually enjoy doing it, some are paying off debts that were incurred by themselves or their family. When you go into the clubs that have the dancing girls, you will notice some things. First off, if the girl is generously proportioned in the abdominal area, hips, or legs: shes paying a debt. If she is Korean and is top heavy, they are fake or she has a mixed bloodline. If the dancer is wearing a one piece, she had a baby or has stretch marks. If she isn�t wearing a thong, its a female thing.So, here is where the pathetic part comes in. Most guys get upset when a regular female patron asked them to spend 2500 WON on a beer. Yet, the drinks that these same guys are buying for the Juicy girls who they have even less of a chance of going home with than the female patron are anywhere from 6000 WON to 10000 WON. AND THESE GUYS BUY THEM! Oh, and most of the time, all the drink has in it is Orange Juice. Hence the term, Juicy Girl. Now dont be fooled by thinking that the bars that dont have dancing girls dont have Juicies. They all do. The really funny thing is what is called ticketing or Bar-Fining. This is where a male patron pays the club that a certain Juicy Girl works at $100/hr or $200/night (Sunday / Thursday) or $300 night to take her out. She is basically an escort. On top of this cost, you have to pay for everything for her that night as well. Every night, I see at least twenty bar-fines walking around downtown. Granted these girls only get two nights off a month. But�most of these girls have boyfriends already or are married. You have to love it. I had three girls in a house 15 dollars us to do all you cleaning. I dont know why I wrote such along post It gave me memories.
So SUMones Bumm , sorry wrong again . Were did you get your military education from.
Sunday, February 10, 2008

§ 204. Execution of transfers of copyright ownership
How Current is This?
(a) A transfer of copyright ownership, other than by operation of law, is not valid unless an instrument of conveyance, or a note or memorandum of the transfer, is in writing and signed by the owner of the rights conveyed or such owner’s duly authorized agent.
(b) A certificate of acknowledgement is not required for the validity of a transfer, but is prima facie evidence of the execution of the transfer if—
(1) in the case of a transfer executed in the United States, the certificate is issued by a person authorized to administer oaths within the United States; or
(2) in the case of a transfer executed in a foreign country, the certificate is issued by a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States, or by a person authorized to administer oaths whose authority is proved by a certificate of such an officer.
Saturday, February 9, 2008

The proof is overwhelming we own the "Defense Combat" pictures and negatives pertaining to this issue. Above is an unreleased picture of William Aguiar Jr. in front of the "Magic Mushroom". Official Karate is asking the BDFS for advertisement. Also he who owns the negatives owns the intellectual property it clearly show who owns it, all you are crying about why I'm not posting this shit. But for you SIMON, somebody close to me use to call me "JAWNEY" and this why I did this for you to put this to rest once and for all. You guys don't want to argue with the truth. You just want to believe you own bullshit . Thats why I started the blog I right what I want and were still discussing only in a different way. So go head believe what you want to believe, I just had the story boards in my hand. And the other Official karate paperwork from Aguiar Jr and John Keehan / Count Dante who what are you going to say about that.
Billy is standing and stating " all pictures and negatives all paperwork pertaining to Defense Combat. Why does this stupidity always come up" and that what the man said.

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§ 204. Execution of transfers of copyright ownership

I may spell screwed up but at least I never got one of my friends "KILLED" Kung Fu Pimp. We all know its you. We know who you are a simple call to a private investigator in Nevada and Chicago confirmed that. You seem to think that because you ancient and almost dead that your smarter than us. But one thing is for sure I will travel anywere to piss on your grave. I look at discust at you because from were I'm from you never leave a "fallen comrade behind" . You may laugh at the way I type but I never got one of my people killed no matter how many wounds I recieved. And if your a relative of friend of his then you must be proud of a coward. And once again I'm not MattKiley nor Ken Patricio who you tried to ban before Patricio stepped in. Felkoff what are you like 120 all your life. When I was 12 I was capable of blasting you off the mat in your hey day. I have been to mainland China have you. You never stepped foot in China, Vietnam is not China my friend. I'm a man I don't hide behind an alias like everybody.
![]() ![]() | Style: Kung Fu Grip |
Serves me right for lettin' so much time pass between visits. It was downright painful readin' through the new postings of John "I'm so dumb every keystroke reads like DNA evidence on rape victim" Creeden.
Oh, my bad. "Matt Kiley."
In the never-ending effort to excuse his brutal butchering of the English language, Creeden always attempted to defend himself by saying he's from Ireland. As if everything about his new persona wasn't a dead give away, he creates the name Matt Kiley, a good ol' fashioned Irish name?
Too bad he got termed again before I could come in with my Sherlock Holmes act.
Friday, February 8, 2008

Floyd thinks he has it all you have nothing in your secret, be very very quite were hunting Floyds bullshit.
Ralph Marrera was the inside man in the puralator, we have a letter dated 1973 that show their involvement together just before the Puralator Robbery. See Hawthorne Race track is were the un-traced securities came from????????????????????? Floyd that alot of info for 90 minutes,people who were their know that your bullshitting. HAHAHA
768 F.2d 201 (7th Cir. 1985)
No. 83-1711, 84-1692.
United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.
Argued February 26, 1985.
Decided July 25, 1985.
Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc Denied August 26, 1985.
Frederick F. Cohn, Chicago, Ill., for plaintiff-appellee.
Lawrence Rosenthal, Asst. U.S. Atty., Chicago, Ill., for defendant-appellant.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
Before WOOD and POSNER, Circuit Judges, and FAIRCHILD, Senior Circuit Judge.
HARLINGTON WOOD, Jr., Circuit Judge.
Defendant Marrera's guilt is clear, but so is his trial counsel's serious breach of ethics which created at least a potential conflict of interest. The impact of counsel's ethical breach on his representation of Marrera and on the jury's guilty verdict is the principal issue.
Defendant and his conspiring friends made off one October weekend in 1974 with 4.3 million dollars from the vault of Purolator Services, Inc. The government calls it a spectacular robbery; perhaps, but in some respects it was an amateurish caper for it left the defendant, the only Purolator employee on duty at the time of the robbery, looking very suspicious. The suspicions quickly developed into evidence and the defendant and his friends were indicted for conspiracy,[fn1] and various other bank robbery related charges.[fn2] Marrera's case was severed for trial.[fn3]
Marrera's retained counsel also perceived it as a spectacular caper, one worthy of Hollywood. So, before trial, Marrera and his counsel took it to Hollywood, agreeing to share equally in the anticipated good fortune resulting from Marrera's otherwise bad fortune. After trial and his sentencing to twenty years on the various counts, Marrera filed a direct appeal raising evidentiary questions; subsequently he field a habeas corpus petition alleging that he had been denied his constitutional right to effective assistance of counsel because of his attorney's Hollywood conflict of interest. We consolidated the direct and collateral attacks. Before reaching the legal issues, we examine a few highlights of the story.
Purolator provides armored car and storage security services for a number of federally insured banks in the Chicago area and the Hawthorne Racetrack. Part of that service involves picking up its customer banks' money as agent and storing it overnight or over a weekend in its vaults pending deposit in the designated bank. While in Purolator vaults, which are protected by an alarm system, the money is stored in separate sealed containers. On weekends the vaults are closed Saturday evenings and not opened until Monday morning. While the vaults are closed, only two persons are regularly on duty, an alarm operator and a vault guard.
On the weekend of the robbery Marrera was on duty as vault guard with responsibility for monitoring all building entrances, which are kept locked, and for acting as temporary custodian for the personal effects of any person entering the vault area. The alarm operator that weekend was Angela Hughes. Early on Sunday evening, shortly after receiving a phone call, Marrera suggested to Ms. Hughes that she leave early. Ms. Hughes left four hours early, around 8:00 P.M. Her shift replacement did not arrive until midnight.
Shortly after the relief alarm operator arrived, Marrera telephoned the Purolator manager to report a fire in one of the two vaults. The manager and firemen arrived soon thereafter and opened the vault. The fire had not destroyed everything in the vault, apparently because of insufficient oxygen in the closed vault. The money containers, coins, and some currency were strewn about. Also remaining were the residue of a flare and a few plastic containers of gasoline, but $4.3 million was gone. The padlocked container in which Hawthorne's proceeds[fn4] had been stored was found open and empty except for one of the unignited plastic bags of gasoline. The entrance to the building had not been forced. The vault had not been forced. The padlock on the Hawthorn money box had not been forced. The circumstances suggested an inside job and Marrera was the only person present for a period of several hours prior to his report of the fire.
Other evidence also pointed to Marrera. On several weekends prior to the robbery weekend, when Marrera was on duty, there had been vault fire false alarms, now viewed as burglary experiments. Not long before the robbery Marrera had asked another employee whether the stored currency was marked and what the money containers weighed. He then tried to lift one. Additionally, Marrera, as vault guard, had access to the Hawthorne padlock number which was enough to have a duplicate key made. The words and deeds of Marrera's outside co-conspirators also pointed to Marrera. They told an undercover agent about their plans for a "big score," and sought to enlist the agent's help in acquiring a van for the purpose. They in fact did acquire a van and Marrera was seen riding in it. After the robbery the van was recovered and contained evidence suggesting that it had been used to haul the loot. Later, when arrested, one of the co-conspirators, Charles Marzano, was found with some of Hawthorne's money in his pocket. Marrera was also implicated by the discovery of a fresh concrete vault filled with Hawthorne money in his grandmother's vacant house. Before the robbery witnesses saw two men hauling sacks of concrete into the house and dirt out. The fingerprints of one of the co-conspirators was found on a Hawthorne bill in Marrera's grandmother's basement.
Marrera's own statements provided the final evidence of guilt. In an interview with the FBI on the day following the robbery, he denied knowing Charles Marzano. Later, after becoming aware that he had been seen in the van with Marzano before the robbery, he recanted, admitting that he knew Marzano, a professional burglar with whom he had been regularly having lunch. Marrera also admitted that he had used the van to deliver some plyboard to one of the other conspirators. Plyboard was used in the basement vault. Marrera also admitted knowing another of his co-conspirators, an alarm and security system expert and no doubt a valuable member of the team. Marrera admitted giving Hughes, the only other employee present on the night of the robbery, permission to leave early even though he knew in so doing he risked losing his job.
In a subsequent interrogation, however, Marrera assumed a more uncooperative attitude and advised Chicago police, "If you have enough evidence, charge me, then convict me. This is the biggest score ever. I will take twenty or thirty years, go to the joint, write a book and make another million." Marrera was as impressed as the government with what he and his friends had accomplished. Indictment followed. Marrera did get the twenty years he had suggested, but as far as we know he has not yet written his book.
After indictment but prior to trial, Marrera's trial counsel, Morton L. Zaslavsky, appeared before the district judge to obtain a modification in the terms of Marrera's bond so that his client could travel with him outside the district to California. Counsel did not disclose any fee arrangement he had with Marrera which Marrera alleges was a thousand-dollar retainer plus fifty percent of any proceeds obtained from the sale of the movie rights to the Purolator story. In modifying the terms of the bond the trial judge nevertheless clearly cautioned counsel about the possible ethical problems.[fn5] Counsel and Marrera went to Hollywood together.
The Hollywood trip developed at trial in this way: During cross-examination the government asked Marrera about his statement to police that he would write a book and make "another million." He admitted the statement, but endeavored to explain it away by emphasizing the difficult circumstances surrounding the conversation. When asked whether the actually intended to write a book, Marrera responded that he neither read books nor went to movies. Government counsel then moved to the Hollywood trip. Marrera admitted making the trip and meeting with several movie producers, but stated that he told his counsel he wanted nothing to do with a movie, only to go home. He was then questioned about conversations with several specific producers and in particular whether he had told one of the producers that he knew all the individuals involved in the theft. Before Marrera answered the question, his counsel interrupted, saying that Marrera had said nothing of that kind, that counsel had been present too, and that he would testify to that. The trial judge struck counsel's statement. Government counsel then pursued the same line of questioning about what Marrera had said to specific producers, including whether he told one producer that he would not tell the producer the details of the theft until his trial was over.
On redirect Marrera's counsel went back over the book-writing conversation with the police and then briefly the California trip. His counsel's leading questions suggested that one of the producers mentioned during the government's cross-examination was a personal friend of Marrera's counsel and that the meeting was in the hopes that the producers would be interested in making a movie. Marrera again stated he only told the producer that he did not want a movie, to forget it all. The examination of Marrera concluded, and again Marrera's counsel asked for the opportunity to testify. The judge denied the request, and directed the jury to disregard the attorney's improper request. The judge then explained that lawyers do not testify in cases they are trying. The presentation of evidence concluded soon thereafter. The trial judge, outside the presence of the jury, asked the government if it was prepared to offer foundation evidence about the movie producer conversations it suggested in its cross-examination of Marrera had occurred. The government explained that its questions were based on FBI interviews with producers and that it was not prepared to call the producers because it had not been anticipated that Marrera would deny the conversations. The judge denied the government additional time to try to arrange for the Hollywood witnesses. The judge permitted the evidence that there was a trip to Hollywood to stand, but struck all the evidence relating to what may have been said to the producers in Hollywood. When the jury returned, the judge, in a comprehensive statement and instruction, explained to the jury the impropriety of the government's questions about specific conversations with the producers, called it unfair, and instructed the jury to disregard these questions.
We must now determine what these Hollywood events amount to as a legal matter. "The purpose of the Sixth Amendment guarantee of counsel is to ensure that a defendant has the assistance necessary to justify reliance on the outcome of the proceeding. Accordingly, any deficiencies in counsel's performance must be prejudicial to the defense in order to constitute ineffective assistance under the Constitution." Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668, 104 S.Ct. 2052, 2067, 80 L.Ed.2d 674 (1984). In most ineffective assistance cases, the defendant has the burden of affirmatively proving prejudice. Where, however, an alleged conflict of interest predicates the ineffectiveness claim the defendant bears a lighter burden. That is, where a defendant puts a trial judge on notice of the alleged conflict before or during trial and the trial court fails to inquire into the conflict, a reviewing court will presume prejudice upon a showing of possible prejudice; Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. 475, 484-91, 98 S.Ct. 1173, 1178-82, 55 L.Ed.2d 426 (1978); Cuyler v. Sullivan, 446 U.S. 335, 345, 100 S.Ct. 1708, 1716, 64 L.Ed.2d 333 (1980); on the other hand, if the defendant fails to put the trial court on notice of the alleged conflict, a reviewing court will presume prejudice upon a showing that the potential conflict developed into an actual conflict which adversely affected the defense lawyer's performance. Id. at 348-50, 100 S.Ct. at 1718.
Marrera predicates his ineffective assistance claim on an alleged conflict of interest between his lawyer's financial interest in proceeds from the movie rights and Marrera's interest in acquittal. To decide whether to apply the Holloway test and afford defendant a per se presumption of prejudice or to apply the Cuyler test and grant the presumption of prejudice only upon a showing of actual conflict and adverse effect on counsel's performance, we must first determine whether the defendant put the trial judge on notice of the alleged conflict. Marrera argues that his counsel put the judge on notice when he appeared before the judge seeking the modification in the terms of Marrera's bond to allow Marrera to go with counsel to Hollywood. At the bond modification hearing, Marrera's counsel told the judge the purpose of the trip but did not disclose the fee arrangement. The judge warned defense counsel of the potential conflict problem. Counsel responded, "I see."
The question is whether the trial judge fulfilled his duty in warning counsel regarding the potential conflict or whether he should have inquired further regarding the relationship between the counsel and defendant. We think that under the circumstances the judge fulfilled his duty and that if anyone is to blame for the predicament in which Marrera found himself at trial when references were made to the trip it is Marrera and his counsel. In Cuyler the Supreme Court noted that "[d]efense counsel have an ethical obligation to avoid conflicting representations and to advise the court promptly when a conflict of interest arises during the course of trial. . . . [T]rial courts necessarily rely in large measure upon the good faith and good judgment of defense counsel." 446 U.S. at 346-47, 100 S.Ct. at 1716 (footnote omitted). The Cuyler Court went on to explain that the defense counsel "`"is in the best position professionally and ethically to determine when conflict of interest exists or will probably develop in the course of a trial."'" Id. at 347, 100 S.Ct. at 1717 (quoting Holloway v. Arkansas, 435 U.S. at 485, 98 S.Ct. at 1179 and State v. Davis, 110 Ariz. 29, 31, 514 P.2d 1025 (1973)); see also United States ex rel. Ballard v. Bengston, 702 F.2d 656, 662 n. 6 (7th Cir. 1983) (defense attorneys have the primary responsibility for the ascertainment and avoidance of conflicts of interests); United States v. Medina-Herrera, 606 F.2d 770, 776 (7th Cir. 1979) (to same effect), cert. denied, 446 U.S. 964, 100 S.Ct. 2939, 64 L.Ed.2d 822 (1980).
The trial judge gave Marrera's counsel forewarning of the potential conflict and thereafter reasonably relied on defense counsel to bring to the court's attention any conflict that might arise during the course of his representation. After being warned of the possible conflict, defense counsel said, "I see." We view this statement as an implicit assurance to the court that counsel understood the potential problem and assumed the responsibility for bringing any conflict to the judge's attention if and when one developed. Counsel never mentioned the conflict problem again. The judge did not neglect his duty in not inquiring further into the potential conflict problem. See Cuyler, 446 U.S. at 346-48, 100 S.Ct. at 1717-18 ("Absent special circumstances, . . . trial courts may assume either that multiple representation entails no conflict or that the lawyer and his clients knowingly accept such risk of conflict as may exist.").
Moreover, in this case the defendant himself shares the blame with his lawyer for failing to raise the conflict issue with the judge. Whereas in dual representation cases it cannot be assumed that a defendant is as well positioned as the lawyer to know all the ways in which his defense may conflict with another defendant's, here Marrera knew about his lawyer's financial interest in the movie rights and knew or should have known that taking the trip could jeopardize his defense. Marrera willingly entered the fee arrangement with his lawyer and willingly took the trip; to that extent Marrera and his counsel were in complete agreement, not conflict. Marrera must therefore share with his attorney the blame for any harm that he alleges the trip caused his defense.
Since we hold that the judge was not put on notice of an actual conflict and fulfilled his duty in warning counsel of the possibility for conflict, we apply the Cuyler test, that is, we inquire whether the potential conflict ever developed into an actual conflict which adversely affected defense counsel's performance.[fn6] If so we will presume prejudice and grant a new trial.
The first inquiry under the Cuyler test is whether the potential conflict ever developed into an actual conflict requiring the defense attorney to make a choice advancing his own financial interest to the detriment of Marrera's interest. Marrera argues that the potential conflict created by the fee arrangement developed into an actual conflict when his lawyer chose to take Marrera to Hollywood because the trip advanced counsel's own financial interest at the expense of Marrera's defense. Counsel, it is claimed, risked Marrera's defense for his own economic gain. Marrera's argument, however, only focuses on half of the story. Marrera too had an interest in taking the trip. Not only did Marrera pay his counsel by taking the trip, but he also stood to receive fifty percent of any proceeds from any sale of movie rights, or in his words to the police, to make "another million." Marrera weighed, in effect, the attorney's services and the potential movie rights proceeds against the potential adverse effect on his defense and chose to go to Hollywood. The real conflict then was not between Marrera and his attorney but between Marrera's interest in acquittal and Marrera's interest in profiting from his illegitimate act. Marrera weighed his own conflicting interests, decided that on balance his interests were best served by taking the trip, and willingly went to Hollywood.[fn7] We conclude that the potential conflict in this case never developed into an actual conflict.
Assuming arguendo, however, that there was an actual conflict in this case, we now consider whether the conflict adversely affected counsel's "performance." The first issue is how broadly to read "performance." The government urges us to limit Cuyler to its facts and to define performance as a choice made by a defense attorney at trial. Under this view defense counsel's decision to take Marrera to Hollywood would not constitute "performance" since it was not a choice made at trial.
We think this reading of "performance" is too narrow for it excludes the multitude of decisions defense counsel often make before and after trial, many of which have an effect on the ultimate defense as great as or greater than decisions made at trial. See United States v. Mavrick, 601 F.2d 921, 931 (7th Cir. 1979) ("An attorney's joint representation of multiple defendants . . . may affect a criminal defendant adversely not only during the jury trial on the issue of guilt, but at any stage of a criminal proceeding."). In Hearst, for example, two of F. Lee Bailey's alleged conflict-tainted choices, on which the court based its remand for a factual hearing, were choices made outside of court, prior to trial: Bailey's decision not to seek a needed continuance and his decision not to seek a change of venue, both decisions allegedly to advance Bailey's own interests in publishing the Hearst story. We thus read "performance" to refer to any defense counsel decision which can reasonably be expected to affect the ultimate defense whether that decision be made before, during, or after trial. The decision Marrera criticizes — that of taking Marrera to see the producers — qualifies as "performance" under this definition because the decision, although made before trial, could reasonably have been expected to affect Marrera's defense.
We now consider whether the conflict-tainted choice to take the trip to Hollywood adversely affected Marrera's defense. Marrera argues that the trip to Hollywood adversely affected his defense when the prosecution referred to the trip in its cross-examination of Marrera. Concerning the trip the jury learned that Marrera took the trip and that he may have talked to some producers and told them that he knew all of those involved in the robbery. Of these references to the Hollywood trip the judge struck all but Marrera's own testimony that he took the trip.
The limited Hollywood evidence that was properly left before the jury corroborated Marrera's statement to the Chicago police by suggesting that he was serious about the book. That police statement, which can be construed as an admission, led into the matter of Marrera actually going to Hollywood to pursue the book idea. That much the trial court admitted without objection and allowed to stand. There was no error, much less clear error, in the court's exercise of discretion in letting stand that relevant evidence. When, however, the government suggested by its questions what Marrera may have said to the producers, Marrera's counsel objected, although in so doing he improperly sought to testify in rebuttal. The objectionable testimony was stricken by the trial judge who fully admonished the jury to totally disregard what the government had done, calling it unfair. If anyone suffered from that exchange, it was the government when it was chastised by the trial judge.
Before the jury, not only did Marrera deny he had said anything of the sort suggested by the government, but his trial counsel, though not under oath and not a witness, did manage in effect to testify and confirm Marrera's version. The trial court said the whole episode had been poorly handled by both parties, and we agree, but the trial judge avoided error by his personal appeal and his complete and understandable instruction to the jury. It was more than the mere reading of a stereotyped instruction lost in a maze of other instructions. We consider it to have been completely effective.
Marrera counsel's ethical breach is separate from the evidentiary and legal fallout before the jury, but this is not a proceeding to discipline counsel. Even if it were, we would not discipline counsel by freeing his client.
Marrera in argument develops only the negative view of the Hollywood event, that his own counsel exposed him as looking greedy, not benevolent before the jury. Yet a jury might have viewed the Hollywood trip as consistent with innocence, believing that Marrera went to Hollywood not to sell an account of bungling burglars being convicted with all the details already spread on the public trial record, but to sell the more appealing story of an innocent Marrera betrayed by his scheming friends who went south with all the 4.3 million leaving Marrera to be rescued by his great lawyer.
During final arguments the government made no reference whatsoever to the Hollywood problem and defense counsel devoted only a couple of lines to it, saying that he had thought that Purolator would make a good story, but that his client, Marrera, was not interested. He said, nevertheless, that he found Marrera good company.
Marrera's defense was almost non-existent. He testified that nothing unusual happened while he was on duty that weekend at Purolator except the fire itself, and tried to minimize his relationships with his co-conspirators. His father testified about the grandmother's vacant house, but not how the Hawthorne money got in her basement. The father also mentioned that the fumes from the vault fire had had serious physical effects on his son, the defendant. The evidentiary aspects of those physical effects constitute the remaining issue in this case.
Finally we note that the trial judge found that Marrera's counsel "represented the defendant at the trial with complete loyalty and with an acceptable level of competence."
The Hollywood arrangement was unethical, but we find that it did not create an actual conflict or adversely affect Marrera's defense counsel's performance. We therefore affirm the district court's refusal to grant a new trial.[fn8]
Marrera attempted to turn this criminal trial into a tort action against the government or the Chicago police by trying to show that they had custody of him when the effects of the fumes from the vault fire were discovered, and therefore were somehow responsible for his poor physical condition. It appears that the vault fire fumes may have affected Marrera's speech or demeanor. The judge found that tort responsibility issue irrelevant, and so do we. In this court Marrera now argues a new reason for the admission of that physical disability evidence, saying that it was necessary for the jury to understand and to judge his demeanor and credibility. The district judge did not have the benefit of that argument so we will not pursue it. Saltzman v. Fullerton Metals Co., 661 F.2d 647 (7th Cir. 1981). From the record, however, it is plain that Marrera did have the chance to explain to the jury his demeanor and speech eccentricities. The jury was made fully aware that the defendant was in ill health at the trial, but had not been at the time of the robbery. There was nothing more to be said on that issue.
The conviction is AFFIRMED.
18 U.S.C.A. § 371 (West 1969), conspiracy to rob a bank.
18 U.S.C.A. § 2113(b) (West 1984), bank robbery.
18 U.S.C.A. § 2113(a) (West 1984), entry into a bank with intent to steal its deposits (dismissed prior to trial).
18 U.S.C.A. § 844(h)(1) (West 1976), use of an explosive device in order to steal the money of a bank.
18 U.S.C.A. § 844(i) (West 1976), use of an explosive device to damage or destroy property.
18 U.S.C.A. § 2314 (West 1970), transportation of stolen money in foreign commerce.
812 F.2d 1517 (6th Cir. 1987)
No. 86-1541.
United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit.
Submitted February 17, 1987.
Decided March 5, 1987.
Juanita S. Temple, Detroit, Mich., for respondent-appellee.
Ralph Marrera, pro se.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.
Before MARTIN and NELSON, Circuit Judges, and CONTIE, Senior Circuit Judge.
This case has been referred to a panel of the Court pursuant to Rule 9(a), Rules of the Sixth Circuit. Upon examination of the record and the parties' briefs, this panel agrees unanimously that oral argument is not necessary. Rule 34(a), Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.
Petitioner is serving consecutive ten year sentences at the Federal Correctional Institution in Milan, Michigan, for the robbery of a Purolator armored car. Through this petition for a writ of habeas corpus pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2241, petitioner seeks a sentence credit for 1,573 days allegedly spent "in custody" while out on bond. His petition was denied by the district court because the conditions of his bond were not "tantamount to incarceration", as required by 18 U.S.C. § 3568 if a sentence credit is to be given. Following the subsequent denial of his motion for relief from judgment, petitioner appealed.
According to the record, the time petitioner spent on bond was not subject to any restrictions tantamount to incarceration. "Custody" as defined under 18 U.S.C. § 3568 for purposes of a sentence credit is distinctly different from the definition used in the habeas corpus statutes. Because petitioner seeks a sentence credit, he is bound by the definition of custody used in Section 3568; that definition requires physical incarceration. United States v. Robles, 563 F.2d 1308, 1309 (9th Cir. 1977), cert. denied, 435 U.S. 925, 98 S.Ct. 1491, 56 L.Ed.2d 416 (1978); Ortega v. United States, 510 F.2d 412, 413 (10th Cir. 1975); United States v. Peterson, 507 F.2d 1191, 1192 (D.C.Cir. 1974); United States v. Hoskow, 460 F.Supp. 929, 930 (E.D.Mich. 1978). Petitioner's physical and mental condition following his illness, as well as his time in and out of the hospital and the nursing home, were not conditions imposed by the court. Because these periods of time cannot be considered akin to physical incarceration, this time need not be credited toward his sentence.