Tuesday, February 19, 2008
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTDISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTSWILLIAM V. AGUIAR, III )))v. ) C.A. NO. 07-11673-MLW)FLOYD WEBB, et al. )ORDER February 15, 2008For the reasons stated in court on February 15, 2008, it ishereby ORDERED that:1. The oral motion for a continuance by plaintiff William V.Aguiar, III ("Aguiar") is DENIED.2. The Motion to File a Reply Brief (Docket No. 39) bydefendants Barron and Wendy Shepherd ("Shepherds") is ALLOWED.3. Aguiar's Motion to Amend Reports on the Filing ofDetermination After Action or Appeal Regarding a Copyright (DocketNo. 40) is ALLOWED.4. Aguiar's Motions for Production of Documents (Docket Nos.43 and 46) and Motion to Compel Discovery (Docket No. 73) areDENIED.5. The Motion for Inclusion (Docket No. 51) by defendantRadford Davis ("Davis") is MOOT.6. The Motion to Act as Amicus Curiae or "Friend of theCourts" (Docket No. 65) by Ronald Collins, Jr. is DENIED.7. Aguiar's Motion to Strike (Docket No. 72) is MOOT.8. The Motions to Dismiss of the Shepherds (Docket No. 7) andDavis (Docket No. 71) are ALLOWED and the case against them isDISMISSED without prejudice for lack of personal jurisdiction.9. Aguiar's Motion for Preliminary Injunction (Docket No. 3)is DENIED.10. By February 29, 2008, Aguiar shall either cause counsel toappear on his behalf or file a statement that he will continue toproceed pro se.11. By 12:00 noon on March 5, 2008, defendant Floyd Webb("Webb") and Aguiar shall file, jointly if possible butindividually if necessary, a proposed schedule for this case and astatement of whether they each wish to go to mediation.12. A scheduling conference will be held on March 6, 2008, at1:30 p.m. Aguiar and Webb shall attend.13. By March 14, 2008, Aguiar shall file an amended complaintclearly stating the factual and legal bases for each of his claimsagainst Webb and any other putative defendant, and the grounds forjurisdiction as required by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8. Inlight of this Order, Aguiar's Motion to Amend the Complaint (DocketNo. 23) is MOOT./s/ Mark L. WolfUNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE