I'm in the original trailer dumbass. That's right you were the head spokesman for the BDFS and you didn't now that. Your such a loser . I know you were nothing but a party buddy when the school was closed and you were never part of the group no way you don't have the moxie. Your a product of Fall River sub culture , junkies , and low lifes and all around street people.We are the real deal your the fakes and the wannabe's. I've had students and schools in Providence. Where's yours Barron and John Patricio's neither one of you spent anytime on the mat at all. Let alone teach anyone any tangible for someone to learn in the art of Self Defense. Your both shams and and fakes, your trying to make a name for yourselves from a legitimate martial artists. Say what you want about Billy he is a legitimate martial artists. And Supreme Grand Master of the Dante System.And can anyone show me 1 of the 7 entrances to poison hand , I know I keep asking but no can show me.
I'm at the 40 second mark kicking the board out of the air, what do you guys have nothing
Black Dragon Fighting Society - Watch more free videos
I'm at the 40 second mark kicking the board out of the air, what do you guys have nothing
Black Dragon Fighting Society - Watch more free videos