This is Boston Floyd not Chicago things are a little different here. Here's something new Floyd you will not be released from Court no way. You counter sued dummy that means your gonna see this t o the end. Floyd talk to your lawyers Falzone can reverse history. Your really put your foot in your mouth this time. Remember it the two books and the video that's it . And you use it all that's not fair use. Your gonna loose the people in the Federal library in Boston seem to think we have a very strong case.
William asked me to be their in court see you their Floyd we will see what defense you have . The injunction will go in until the end of the case which is bout a year and a half now. Whats your defense Floyd fair use that's it. You were warned by me that this will happen. And head my words Floyd your not walking scoff free. It will be fun to catch up on old time's Billy is dying to me you Floyd dying.
And before you think that this is a walk in the park . This is Kennedy country anything can happen.
And their will be about 150 supporters their just to boo you and take your picture.