Friday, January 25, 2008

Sam no one reports to me at all.

Samuel Browning
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I guess this resolves the issue of to whom Matt reports. (Creeden)To the BDFS people. You are going to sue who you want to, but if you file against me, and or Bullshido, you will ensure that we legally cooperate with Webb whereas previously we have not cooperated with him legally at all. This is due to our contempt for Ashida.As far as me being in the pay of Floyd, Bullshit. Floyd hasn't given a dime to myself, Bullshido, or Phrost.At some point you will want to tell your story on Bullshido, and there is nothing wrong with that but threats of litigation against us will make us moderate more defensively. For example with the threat of legal action Matt is going to take a permanent ban since I don't want him used as a tool for informal discovery against Bullshido.I've previously remained quiet in terms of advice to Bill A, but this one is on the house. You should have a talk with Mr. Creeden about what you intend to accomplish with these tactics.Incidently look at the posting requirements for MABS, we are allowed to moderate more aggressively on this sub-forum to keep discussions on track.Best of luck Bill

You people think I'm in this conspiracy ,your laughable